Undergraduate 正规赌博十大平台排行
在正规赌博十大平台排行(DU)发现自己. 作为落基山脉西部中心的一流私立大学, 杜顿大学提供不同于其他大学的本科教育. 从丹佛市中心的教室和实验室到我们独一无二的 Kennedy Mountain 校园,你踏上了一条 4 d的经验 这会支持你的全面成长,帮助你充分发挥你的潜力.
由专家教授的小班授课, a focus on experiential learning, top-ranked study abroad 项目, you build the skills, 知识, 以及改变世界、创造持久变化的视角.
First-Year Applicant
Almost 1,400 first-year students say yes to DU each year 和 start along their path to success. Take the first step toward joining our ever-evolving community 和 apply as a first-year applicant.
帮助你顺利通过录取程序, we compiled essential resources, including an overview of our 正规赌博十大平台排行标准 和 first-year student application checklist.
If you have already completed high school 和 have taken college-level coursework at a community college or another university, 我们鼓励您以转学申请人的身份申请DU. 在这里, you can build upon your previous college education 和 reach new levels of potential through our immersive education, tight-knit campus community, culture of innovation.
Preparing to start the transfer process? 请参阅 正规赌博十大平台排行标准 和我们的 application checklist 你需要的所有重要信息都在这里.
International Applicant
With almost 10 percent of our students choosing to relocate to DU from outside the United States, 我们自豪地站在国际教育中心. 我们的 international students make a significant impact on our campus community 和 success of our institution, 我们努力确保申请过程顺利进行.
Because the admission process for international students involves additional steps, supplemental documents, 和需求, 我们创建了全面的资源来支持我们的国际申请者.
请参阅我们的 国际申请者申请清单, transfer guidelines, 签证信息, English proficiency requirements.
Undocumented Student
在正规赌博十大平台排行,我们相信高等教育应该对所有人开放. We welcome applications from anyone who wants to participate 和 invest in our community of learners 和 doers, regardless of immigration status.
促进无证学生的学业成功和持续成长, 我们提供各种学生资源和支持服务, including help navigating financial aid, scholarship opportunities, 奖助金, 和更多的.
High School Counselors
As a high school counselor, 你对学生的学业成功和申请过程至关重要. 帮助您和您的学生了解最新情况并走上正轨, we provide a variety of resources, 包括:
Whatever you need, our admissions counselors 都是来帮忙的!
准备送你的学生上大学是一个重要的里程碑. We want to ensure that, 作为家长, 《正规赌博十大平台排行》, another family member, you have access to all essential information so you can guide 和 support your student during the admission process.
Want to see DU in person? 加入我们吧! 家庭 Orientation!
祝贺你被正规赌博十大平台排行录取! We look forward to welcoming you into our student body 和 beginning your studies.
作为第一步, we recommend submitting your deposit to save your spot as your first step toward your DU education. 下一个, 我们已经概述了如何安排校园访问, 申请住房, secure financial aid, 并采取其他必要的步骤来开始你的DU体验.
欢迎来到杜克大学! We’re thrilled you’ve decided to embark on your college journey with us 和 join our ever-growing student community.
一旦你确定了你的位置,你就可以开始计划你在杜的时间. 查找有关申请课程的信息, 取向, 和住房, 开始熟悉自己的学生生活.
Pioneer Prep Leadership 研究院
旨在培养DU社区的多样性和包容性, the Pioneer Prep Leadership Institute brings the needs of Black/African-American 和 Latinx communities to the forefront 和 discusses access to higher education, 领导, 多样性, other crucial subjects.
Pioneer Prep welcomes high school juniors 和 seniors of all racial 和 ethnic backgrounds to participate 和 enrich their cultural awareness, connect to 杜的 vibrant community, qualify for our Pathways scholarship.
High School Early Experience Program
杜的 Early Experience Program helps ambitious high school juniors 和 seniors get a head start by earning college credits as they pursue their high school diplomas. During the program, students enroll in college-level courses, allowing them to explore their interests 和 look into the world of higher learning.
帮助您充分融入我们的校园社区, DU requires all first-year, 二年级, transfer students 头两年住在校园里 of their undergraduate experience.
我们的 住房 和 Residential Education (HRE) department strives to cultivate a safe environment where you 和 your peers can build life-long bonds, 加深你在课堂上学到的知识, find your confidence. With a range of student accommodations, 食物的选择, valuable resident resources, HRE确保您轻松过渡到DU正规赌博十大平台排行.
正规赌博十大平台排行的正规赌博十大平台排行每天都充满刺激和冒险. 从攀岩和徒步旅行到应对气候变化和促进多样性, 你一定会找到你的激情,并在此过程中建立有意义的联系. 校园内有超过120个学生组织, you can uncover new interests 和 find your place in our thriving student community while taking in the beauty of Denver, 科罗拉多州.
At DU, we believe immersive, cross-cultural education can transform your worldview. That’s why we promote robust study abroad experiences, with 120 项目 in more than 50 countries. 我们的 students encounter new cultures through these opportunities 和 embark on self-discovery while pursuing their degrees.
的 Office of International Education 帮助超过70%的正规赌博十大平台排行学生出国留学, 带回家的经历和观点,塑造他们的生活.
Undergraduate 正规赌博十大平台排行
2197 S. 大学大街.
Denver, 科罗拉多州 80208 -